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Cape San Blas, Florida

Cape San Blas is southeast from Panama City on the hump of the panhandle.  It is a remote peninsula that is utterly peaceful and gorgeous.  We stayed at St. Joseph's Peninsula State Park, where the 7 mile stretch of beach and and maritime forest abounded with wildlife. If you want peace and quiet and a real nature infusion, this is a highly recommended spot!   We did a lot of nature walks, beach exploration, and inner reflection.  Cape San Blas was the ideal  "womb space" we needed to detox and rest from our rapid move from Asheville and to coalesce as a family in our new life.  We wound up staying there for 3 months.  Click on the pictures for a large version.

the salt marsh in the morning On the beach! Clouds and surf
Sand dunes A big jelly Aidan and horseshoe crab
Horseshoe crab in the sand Sunrise Sunrise
Fishing boats  Apalachicola internet cafe Jess and Aidan in the sand
Shells in the sand Wind and shell Bird feeding frenzy
Cape San Blas to the point Grass on the beach Pirates fighting over treasure
Peter carving a sword for Jess Underside of a horseshoe crab Grasses in the sand dunes




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copyright 2003-2007 Peter Berry and Felicia Berry

licia@liciaberry.com  peter@peterberry.us

please visit our other websites: www.liciaberry.com  www.pbfa.peterberry.us